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Sound Advice for CMMS Users & Maintenance Professionals Looking to Advance Their Careers

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Maintenance management has evolved into a sophisticated and complex range of skills over the years. Efficient maintenance operations need effective collaboration among various roles ranging from technicians and operators to supervisors. Each has unique responsibilities and skill sets. While these positions are vital cogs in the machinery of any organization, at some point, many professionals in these roles aspire to advance into management positions. Transitioning from a non-managerial role to a leadership position requires strategic planning, skill development, and a keen understanding of emerging technologies and industry trends. This article explores actionable advice for maintenance professionals seeking to elevate their careers and step into management roles.

Embrace Technological Advancements

One of the most significant shifts in the maintenance field is the integration of advanced technologies. Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software have revolutionized how maintenance tasks are planned, executed, and tracked. As a maintenance professional looking to transition into management, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with these technologies.


CMMS software streamlines and optimizes organizational maintenance activities. It facilitates the planning, scheduling, executing, and tracking of maintenance tasks, allowing maintenance professionals to efficiently manage assets, spare parts, work orders, and maintenance history. CMMS solutions offer real-time insights into asset performance, maintenance costs, and resource allocation, enabling proactive maintenance strategies and informed decision-making.


On the other hand, EAM applications provide a holistic approach to asset management by integrating maintenance functions with broader organizational processes. Enterprise asset management goes beyond traditional maintenance management by encompassing asset lifecycle management, from acquisition to disposal. These comprehensive platforms centralize asset data, including maintenance schedules, compliance records, warranty information, and asset history, fostering greater visibility, transparency, and control over organizational assets. EAM systems facilitate strategic asset planning, risk management, and performance optimization, aligning maintenance activities with overarching business objectives. 

CMMS and EAM technologies empower organizations to enhance asset reliability, minimize downtime, and maximize operational efficiency in an increasingly complex and competitive environment.

Read our blog to understand the key differences between CMMS and EAM Software.

Steps to Take to Stay in Step with New Technologies

Maintenance professionals wanting to advance to managerial positions must stay informed about new technologies. The landscape of maintenance operations is continuously evolving with technological advancements. Keeping abreast of emerging technologies enables them to harness innovative solutions that streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and improve asset performance. 

By staying informed, those wishing to elevate their professional standing can proactively identify opportunities to leverage new tools such as predictive maintenance systems, IoT-enabled sensors, and augmented reality maintenance platforms to optimize maintenance strategies, reduce downtime, and mitigate risks. Additionally, familiarity with cutting-edge technologies empowers people in managerial roles to make informed decisions regarding technology investments, resource allocation, and workforce training, ensuring their teams remain competitive and adaptable in an ever-changing industrial environment.

The following are ways to be on the cutting edge of emerging maintenance technologies.

Educate Yourself

Learn how CMMS and EAM systems work. Many platforms offer online tutorials, webinars, and certification programs. These resources will enhance your proficiency and make you a valuable asset to any organization.

Hands-On Experience

Seek opportunities to work with CMMS or EAM systems within your current role. Offer to assist in implementation projects or volunteer to train colleagues on using the software. Practical experience will bolster your skillset and demonstrate your commitment to embracing technological advancements.

Stay Updated

Technology evolves rapidly. What was once considered new becomes old as soon as a newer technology emerges. Stay abreast of the latest CMMS, EAM, and other relevant tool developments. Join online forums, subscribe to industry publications, and attend conferences or workshops to stay informed.

Engage with Online Community Groups

Today, there are countless websites, forums, and industry professional groups that maintenance professionals can join and engage with. Social media platforms like Facebook, X (Formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn have made it even easier to connect with maintenance technology enthusiast communities. Maintenance World, CMMSRadio, Mobius Connect, and Reliable Plant are great platforms to get connected with maintenance professionals looking to advance their skills by leveraging the latest maintenance and reliability technology trends.

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Understand Emerging Maintenance Trends

In addition to technological advancements, maintenance professionals must keep a finger on the pulse of emerging trends shaping the industry. Preventive Maintenance (PM) and Predictive Maintenance (PdM) methodologies have gained prominence for minimizing downtime, optimizing asset performance, and reducing operational costs.

In addition to the trends just described, several other emerging trends are shaping the landscape of maintenance management. Like the others, they also focus on proactive and data-driven approaches to optimize asset performance and minimize downtime. For example, there is a growing emphasis on condition-based maintenance (CBM), which involves monitoring equipment in real-time to detect early signs of deterioration or performance degradation, allowing for timely intervention and optimized maintenance schedules. Furthermore, integrating Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors into maintenance practices enables remote monitoring, asset tracking, and predictive analytics, facilitating smarter decision-making and resource allocation. These emerging trends underscore the shift towards proactive, data-driven maintenance strategies to maximize asset reliability, efficiency, and lifespan.

Steps to Stay on Top of Emerging Maintenance Trends

Educational Pursuits 

Enroll in courses or pursue certifications related to preventive and predictive maintenance strategies. Institutions and organizations offer specialized programs that delve into these methodologies' principles, implementation, and benefits. Acquiring such credentials will expand your knowledge base and enhance your credibility as a maintenance professional. The following is a list of several institutions and organizations that offer specialized programs focused on maintenance methodologies.

  • Reliabilityweb offers a range of training courses, workshops, and certification programs in reliability and maintenance management, including topics such as predictive maintenance, reliability-centered maintenance (RCM), and asset management.
  • SMRP (Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals): SMRP provides various educational resources, including webinars, conferences, and workshops, covering topics related to maintenance and reliability, including predictive maintenance strategies and best practices.
  • Uptime Institute: Known for its focus on data center infrastructure and operations, Uptime Institute offers training and certification programs in data center maintenance, reliability, and efficiency, which may include elements of predictive maintenance.
  • ARPEDAC (Association of Asset Management Professionals): ARPEDAC offers educational programs, certifications, and resources focused on asset management, including predictive maintenance, reliability engineering, and asset performance optimization.
  • University Programs: Many universities offer courses and degree programs in maintenance engineering, reliability engineering, and related fields, often covering predictive maintenance methodologies as part of their curriculum. Examples include Purdue University's Reliability and Maintenance Engineering program and the University of Tennessee's Reliability and Maintainability Engineering program.

Practical Application 

Look for opportunities to implement PM and PdM practices within your current role. Whether conducting routine inspections, analyzing equipment data for early signs of failure, or developing maintenance schedules based on predictive analytics, hands-on experience will deepen your understanding and showcase your proficiency in these areas.

Collaboration and Networking

Engage with peers, industry experts, and thought leaders to exchange insights and best practices regarding preventive and predictive maintenance. Participation in forums, workshops, or online communities can provide valuable exposure to different approaches and strategies employed across various sectors.


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Develop Leadership Skills

Transitioning into a management role requires more than technical expertise—it demands strong leadership skills, effective communication, and a strategic mindset. Effective leadership drives organizational success and fosters a positive work culture. Maintenance managers oversee teams of technicians, operators, and supervisors, guiding them in executing maintenance tasks efficiently, resolving conflicts, and motivating them to achieve shared goals. They must also navigate complex challenges, make strategic decisions, and collaborate with other departments to ensure operational excellence and asset reliability. By honing leadership competencies such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, aspiring maintenance managers can build trust, credibility, and respect among their teams, ultimately driving performance, fostering innovation, and creating a supportive work environment conducive to long-term success.

Steps to Take in Developing Leadership Skills

Leadership Training

Seek leadership development programs or workshops tailored to maintenance professionals. These initiatives often cover team management, conflict resolution, decision-making, and strategic planning—all essential competencies for effective leadership.

Mentorship and Guidance

Identify mentors within your organization or professional network who have successfully transitioned from technical to management positions. Their guidance, insights, and firsthand experiences can offer invaluable support as one navigates a career advancement journey.

Demonstrate Initiative

To showcase your leadership potential, take on additional responsibilities or lead special projects within your current role. Proactive engagement will highlight your readiness for a managerial position, whether spearheading process improvements, leading training sessions for junior staff, or coordinating cross-functional initiatives.

Pursue Relevant Certifications

Certifications serve as tangible evidence of your expertise and commitment to professional development. By obtaining certifications, prospective maintenance managers can demonstrate their commitment to professional development and continuous learning, enhancing their credibility and marketability within the industry. Certifications also provide standardized frameworks and best practices that enable maintenance professionals to effectively lead maintenance teams, implement strategic initiatives, and optimize asset performance, ultimately contributing to organizational success and competitive advantage.

Recommended Certifications:

Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP): 

This certification validates your knowledge and skills in maintenance and reliability practices, including asset management, maintenance planning, and reliability engineering. The Society offers this certification for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP).

Project Management Professional (PMP): 

While not specific to maintenance, the PMP certification equips you with essential project management skills invaluable in leadership roles where overseeing complex projects and initiatives is common. This certification is offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Certified Maintenance Manager (CMM): 

This certification focuses on maintenance management, covering leadership, organizational management, and maintenance strategy development. This certification is offered by the  Association of Facilities Engineering (AFE).

ISO 55000 Certification: 

ISO 55000 is an international standard for asset management, and organizations may offer certification programs or training courses aligned with ISO 55000 principles, focusing on asset management best practices, performance optimization, and risk management.


Transitioning from a non-managerial role to a leadership position in maintenance requires dedication, continuous learning, and a proactive approach to skill development. By embracing technological advancements, understanding emerging trends, honing leadership skills, and pursuing relevant certifications, maintenance professionals can position themselves for success in managerial roles. The management journey is a marathon, not a sprint, requiring focus, resilience, and striving for excellence.

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